Command line is a way of life for linux buddies. APT is an essential tool for Ubuntuers and Debian fans. They like to use it for everyday installation and uninstallation, upgrades etc. dpkg is another useful utility which works along with apt for .deb packages. A few tips I found on apt and dpkg and would like to share.
To list all install packages
dpkg –get-selections
Or the output can be directed to a text file
dpkg –get-selections > abc.txt
The '>' sign direct the out put of terminal in the specific file and works for other commands as well.
dpkg -L package
tells the files installed by a specific package. e.g. dpkg -L banshee
To get installed all the sources of a given package, it is a good thing to install them by apt.
apt-get build-dep banshee
will install all the packages required by banshee to be built or compiled on your system. These packages may differ according to version or the requirement of the program you are going to build.